Keyword Research For SEO: The Ultimate Guide

With this definitive guide to keywords search we hope to clarify a series of concepts, dispel some myths and teach you some things that you probably did not know about keywords (or maybe you did). It is a definitive guide, you cannot expect less.

What is a Keyword?

Keyword is a text that a person types into a search engine, for example, when you go to Google, YouTube, Amazon, etc. and type a few words in their search bar, those words are called keywords.

SEO is to ensure that when people search for certain keywords, they end up entering your website.

Google is getting smarter and the content must be of higher quality. But is keywords research still that important?

Keywords are everything to Google. It remains the fundamental basis of its operation. A person types something in its search engine and Google has to give him an answer that satisfies his search.

What is Keyword Research?

A keyword research is a practice or technique used by digital marketers (in particular, SEO specialists) to attract traffic to their website and get the first positions in search results (SERP).

Keyword research is one of the actions that today's businesses often forget or just don't see as valuable enough compared to other digital marketing activities.

However, keyword research is one of the most important factors in SEO and for the success of a website.

Why is Keyword Research Important?

Doing keyword research helps you ensure that people are actually searching for the words and terms you use on your website, and keyword research can therefore be a crucial factor for your website's visibility and rankings in search engines.

· It is the basis of organic search engine positioning.

· Gives visibility to the content that is generated on a website or blog.

· It is useful when we insert links inside and outside our website.

· It is used to promote products or services on social networks and Google Maps.

Carrying out a correct keyword research ensures that all your efforts to generate content for your website are not in vain, but that beyond being able to generate engagement in social networks, they have an impact on the organic traffic of your website. Many times, companies generate valuable content but, by not taking into account keyword analysis, they are losing opportunities to attract traffic.

Doing keyword research is essential for any company doing digital marketing actions.

What is Keyword Research For?

Keywords are good for many things. With keyword research we can find:

· New market niches.

· Ideas to create content related to our product or service on the blog.

· Ideas to answer user questions, FAQs, etc.

· Create the web architecture.

· Ideas for eCommerce categories.

· Ideas for eCommerce products.

· Ideas for product descriptions.

· Update content of old articles.

· And a long etcetera.

Keywords Classification

Keywords can be classified in 2 ways, depending on the number of terms they have or according to the search intention.

Number of Terms

Depending on the number of ends that the keyword has, it is called in a certain way:

· Short Tail or generic: 1-2 Words. High or very high search volume. Example: Amazon.

· Middle Tail: 2-3-4 Words. Medium-high volume. Example: Iphone X.

· Long Tail: 4 words onwards. Medium-low volume. Example: PPC Advertising Agency near me.

Search Intent

The classic classification of keywords according to the user's search intention is:

· Informative: they are those that simply look for information (how to do this or the weather in Phoenix, for example).

· Transactional: they are those that imply some intention to convert (buy this, or download this other, for example).

· Navigation: are those that focus on a specific website (Facebook, etc).

How is Keyword Research Done?

1. What is your goal? You must know what audience you want to reach taking into account the service or product you offer. You must understand if what you offer is a service with a lot of competition to know why people should choose your company and not another.

2. Collect all the keywords in an excel document: Write the keywords that you think fit with your company or service, always keeping your goals in mind. Know what people are looking for, among other things.

3. Time to research keywords: There are many tools that help companies find the correct keywords and the best known is Google. Just enter the keyword you have on your list to see if it appears there or not.

4. You need a strategy: For the use of keywords you need a strategy such as evaluating your competition, knowing what your audience needs to create content based on it, etc.

There are many more things to consider when doing keyword research. In addition, you must know well how and where to use them, so it is always advisable to contact a Local SEO agency in Phoenix so that your company stands out in the search engines.





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